Chapter 5 - A few tips.

This section is supposed to cover:
  - --demangle
  - abadcafe
  - -O0 usefulness
  - r2 usage for tracking 68k abi system calls
  - stackframe
  - Emulation module
  - 3 log levels: quark, abox, exec
  - "Emul: Time" crash due to an illegal access to 0xdeadf00d+offset... forgot AbortIO+WaitIO before DeleteIORequest()
  - "trance crashed !!", of course not...
  - stack overflow
  - maxhits usage to avoid looping ramdebug buffer
  - new getlog options
  - invzeropage and 1.4.4+
  - tasklist stacktrace
  - and more...

But supposed only... so feel free to write it yourself :-)

<< If the crash point is not located inside the program itself | A commented debug log example >>