There is a french version.

Ben Hermans, managing-partner of Hyperion Entertainment

Ben Hermans, 9 years wasted

"I am not defaming anybody's character, I have not even identified a specific person." (Benjamin Hermans)

4 August 2000, first public beta version of the MorphOS operating system is released.
15 February 2001, MorphOS becomes able to run Hyperion software through its builtin WarpUP emulation layer.

Ben Hermans claims Hyperion has no problem with MorphOS:

Winter 2001: the AmigaOS4 operating system is now developed by Hyperion Entertainment.

Ben Hermans claims MorphOS violates Amiga Inc's intellectual property:

Ben Hermans claims MorphOS is illegaly using the non-open AmigaOS source code:

Ben Hermans claims MorphOS is illegal because of unfair and parasitic competition:

Ben Hermans claims MorphOS is illegal but doesn't give any reason:

Ben Hermans suggests MorphOS will be sued:

MorphOS was released in 2003:

After 10 years, Ben Hermans continues to suggest MorphOS is illegally based on AmigaOS source code:

Today, MorphOS is still compatible with AmigaOS applications and legally distributed. On the other hand, Amiga Inc sued Hyperion...

This guy really wrote too much bullshit on all existing web sites... More to come.

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